
How Extended Reality Is Changing the Construction Industry

May 31

01:55 PM - 02:20 PM


Construction is a complex and messy process, combining millions of individual components - all needing to be positioned in the exact right place with mm-level accuracy. However, the construction process has largely remained unchanged for thousands of years. A group of people design a building, listening to every wish and elaborate desire coming from the Owner, and then they hand the design over to thousands of other people to actually build it, without any understanding of how this design fits the real world. It’s kind of like building a massive jigsaw puzzle where thousands of people are responsible for one piece or another, and no one really knows how they all fit together. This waterfall process leads to building things up only to tear them down immediately after and then build them right back again - just moved over by 1ft - something the construction industry spends over $280B per year doing. This is simply not sustainable, for the industry, for the stakeholders, and most importantly - for the planet. With nearly 40% of the world’s Carbon emissions being contributed by the construction industry, transformation is desperately needed.
And that’s exactly what Trimble is working to do. As a leader in high-accuracy positioning technologies, Trimble has a long standing history of bringing precision to the construction industry - helping to fit all those puzzle pieces together. But we see the opportunity to do more. Since 1997, when we filed our first XR patent, Trimble has been transforming the way the world works by connecting the physical and digital worlds. Now, we’re working to change this archaic narrative, by empowering everyone in construction to visualize, interpret, and action the design through Augmented and Mixed Reality technologies in the field. From catching design mistakes by viewing 3D models on any worker’s iPad, to being more efficient by controlling the most precise Total Station with nothing more than your gaze, we are improving communication and collaboration around design intent, enabling more efficient and sustainable projects. Follow us on this journey as we outline how Extended Reality technologies are revolutionizing the way the construction industry operates today, tomorrow, and for decades to come.


VDC Manager , Canadian Turner Construction Company
Product Manager , Trimble

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