
How Immersive Storytelling Can Deepen Human Understanding of Critical Issues

Jun 1

10:35 AM - 11:00 AM


It’s a harsh reality that humanity affects life even at the smallest level: microplastics plague our oceans, harming plankton, a crucial food source for sea life and a critical part of Earth’s ecosystem. To understand the gravity of this situation, Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau, inspired by the legacy of Philippe’s grandfather Jacques Cousteau, made A Drop in the Ocean. Created in partnership with Conservation International and developed with Unity by Vision3, Drop in the Ocean is a 10-minute social VR adventure where audiences hitch a ride on a jellyfish and encounter the mysteries of the deep. Most importantly, participants experience the plastic pollution crisis from the viewpoint of sea life. Join this session to understand how a virtual reality experience can bring awareness of critical issues, such as the huge ecological challenge microplastics brings to the global masses.


CEO & Co-Founder , Tripp
CEO , Unity
Author, Explorer and Ocean Advocate , Journalist

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