
Inworld Origins, AI NPCs from an Academy Award Winning Creator on The Matrix

Jun 1

02:30 PM - 03:15 PM


John Gaeta is the legendary creator best known for his Academy Award-winning work on the original Matrix Trilogy and creator of Bullet Time. John, now Chief Creative Officer of Inworld AI will talk alongside Chief Product Officer and Inworld Co-Founder Kylan Gibbs about their incredible new concept demo. Called ‘Origins’, the demo allows players to take on the role of a detective in a sci-fi world. Using your mic, you’re tasked with questioning witnesses, uncovering the narrative, and cracking the case. All of the NPCs use generative AI to create dynamic conversations, meaning you can ask them whatever you like, and the NPCs will react accordingly - whilst staying in character. John and Kylan will give you an insight into this fascinating new technology, set to revolutionize games and immersive media


Consultant, Columnist, Author, Adjunct , Forbes
CCO , Inworld AI
CPO , Inworld AI

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