
Zapbox: Mixed Reality For The Masses (+ win one of 5 Zapboxes)

Jun 1

01:30 PM - 01:55 PM


Today’s MR and VR headsets deliver really compelling experiences but the cost of the headsets remains a barrier to entry for users and developers alike.

At just $79.99, Zapbox changes everything. Zapbox is a smartphone-powered headset that offers capabilities previously only associated with much more expensive dedicated devices.

Zapbox includes a comfortable headset with an innovative open-peripheral design alongside a pair of custom Bluetooth controllers that offer position and orientation tracking and a wide set of additional inputs. Zapbox can be used for either virtual reality or mixed reality experiences with low-latency color passthrough.

For developers, we provide a Unity XR SDK Provider plugin which makes it straightforward to port content from other headsets. Support for WebXR, OpenXR and PC Streaming is on our roadmap which will allow Zapbox to be used with existing content ecosystems.

Join Zappar co-founder Dr. Simon Taylor for a run-down of the features and benefits of Zapbox and a live demo of the experiences that Zapbox delivers at this unprecedented price point.

Oh, and don’t miss out, 5 lucky attendees will walk away with a free Zapbox from the session!


Co-founder and Zapbox General Manager , Zappar
Co-founder & Chief R&D Officer , Zappar

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