
Harness XR & Generative AI for Soft Skills Training | Case Study: How Scoot Airlines Prepares for Unruly Passengers

Jun 1

02:00 PM - 02:25 PM


Immersive soft skills training is one of the most significant untapped opportunities in the bringing mixed reality to the enterprise. When implemented, organization's learning and training processes scale, moving employees from the classroom into the real-world workforce faster. Combining mixed reality with generative AI, enterprise XR unlocks greater levels of efficiency, safety, and knowledge transfer while building mission critical skills in scenarios that span complex presentation, negotiation, leadership skills-building, one-on-one coaching, conflict resolution and customer support.

In this case study, we will showcase how Scoot Airlines, a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines upskills employees in preparation for dynamic interactions with passengers. Leveraging their partnership with TeamworkAR, Scoot Airlines creates rich content experiences regardless of the technical level of the team, deploys XR-as-a-service, including content creation, best practice learning methodology, and device management and uses generative AI with a digital replica of the work environment in immersive 3D to accelerate and improve the quality of employee taining and drive operational efficiencies.


VP of Research and Development , CGS
President, Learning Division , CGS

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