25 Aug 2023 | Mike Boland
AWE Talks: Optimizing Time & Space
AWE USA 2023

Welcome back to AWE Talks, our series that revisits the most engaging content from AWE’s catalog of conference sessions. Now that AWE USA 2023 has concluded, we have a fresh batch of sessions to dive into. 

This week, we spotlight one of AWE's most anticipated product launches: Spacetop. As the world's first AR laptop, what were its inspirations, considerations, and drivers? Sightful co-founder & CEO Tamir Berliner breaks it down.

See the summarized takeaways below, along with the full session video. Stay tuned for more video highlights each week and check out the full library on awe.live and AWE’s YouTube Channel.

Tamir Berliner, Sightful

– Technology's job is to optimize time and space, so the physicality often diminishes.
   – Examples: mainframes to laptops, film photography to digital, movie rental to streaming.
– In computing and gaming, controllers have also receded to some degree, a la Kinect.
   – We're also seeing that in VR and MR, given gestural inputs in Quest Pro and Vision Pro.
– But in this progression towards diminished gadgetry, there's an opposing force: screen size.
   – We seem to simultaneously want smaller devices and bigger screens. 
– AR could be the answer to this physical dilemma, given the promise of virtual screens.
   – This is the thinking behind Sightful's Spacetop, where AR is positioned as a display.
– Laptops are primed for this innovation, as they haven't evolved much in 25 years.
– Moreover, AR is primed for this positioning as it lets them piggyback on established tech.
  – If AR is a feature or peripheral to laptops, they don't face the burdens of a new category.
– In the end, Spacetop could position laptops to accelerate AR, and vice versa.  

For more color from Berliner and cameo appearances on stage, see the full session below...

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