26 Sep 2022 | AWE Staff
Learn about the rewards of volunteering at AWE EU this year
AWE EU 2022

AWE EU is almost upon us and the final touches are being added to this year’s leading gathering of the European XR community. A lot of planning and preparation goes into AWE’s AR/VR events in order to provide all guests, attendees, speakers and exhibitors with the best possible experience. A big part of the success of various aspects of our events is made possible through the help that our incredible volunteers provide.

As with any live event, there are a lot of moving parts, and volunteers help us to deliver some of the best in-person and online events for the Augmented and Virtual Reality industry across the globe. AWE EU is no different, and we are always on the lookout for dedicated volunteers to lend a helping hand, whether it is in the thick of things during attendee registration on site, or remotely from another part of the world and assisting with some of the more virtual aspects of the event. Every volunteer has an important role to play in greatly assisting the AWE team with the smooth running of operations in the run up to, and during our leading XR events.

What do volunteers do at AWE events?

As a volunteer, you can expect to take part in a variety of key activities at AWE EU. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • Helping at registration to assist attendees as they arrive at the event and hand out their conference passes. This is a great opportunity to strike up conversation with attendees and get the lowdown on which booths you might want to visit when it is your turn to tour the expo floor;
  • Supporting exhibitors with any needs such as guiding them to their booths upon arrival, showing them key locations within the conference center, and more;
  • Assisting speakers and working in the speaker hospitality room, making sure that only speakers are present and answering any questions they may have;
  • Session monitoring and checking badges outside of the various stages at AWE EU as attendees arrive to see various talks. The bonus of carrying out this role is also that as you’re standing by the doors to welcome guests to the various XR talks and panel discussions, you are also often able to listen in on the talks themselves in many cases.
  • General guest management and event logistics, which can range from helping AWE staff ensure that reserved signs, table tents, signs and more are placed each day, or simply fielding questions from attendees trying to find a certain area of the conference.

What do AWE volunteers get in return?

As a “thank you” for helping, for every half day that you volunteer, you get a half-day of free admittance to the show. So, if you can work for one full day, you’ll get one full day of admittance in return, where you’ll be able to enjoy the conference and wander around the expo floor to see some of the coolest tech that the XR industry has to offer. In addition to a free half day for every half day volunteered, you’ll get an AWEsome AWE EU 2022 event t-shirt!

However, it is more than simply a conference pass and a free t-shirt that volunteers receive as a reward for offering their precious time to help out at the event. The real value is that by being a part of AWE, you are getting access to the world’s leading XR community event, where you’ll be in the midst of AR and VR innovators, developers, creators and enthusiasts. If you’re thinking of pursuing a career in Augmented or Virtual Reality, there truly is no better place to experience this thriving industry than at an AWE event. By volunteering, you are putting yourself in the same room as professionals from several of the world’s leading XR technology companies.

For a thorough breakdown of who will be in attendance at this year’s event, read our recent blog post. But for a quick summary, leading names in attendance at AWE EU 2022 will include companies such as Google, HTC VIVE, Meta, Microsoft, Nestle, Niantic, Ready Player Me, Shopify, Siemens, The XR Association, and many more.

What opportunities does AWE offer volunteers?

The opportunities that are available to volunteers at AWE’s XR conferences are unparalleled. Volunteers with the drive, ambition and initiative to further their position within the AR and VR industry and who are looking to pursue a journey in the world of XR are provided with an opportunity to get a foot in the door to one of most exciting and transformative industries in the world today.

Simply by investing your time and being present at AWE EU, you will be presented with the chance to:


  • Learn about the XR industry and gain firsthand experience of the latest tools and technologies emerging from around the world from a variety of AR and VR software and hardware providers;
  • Connect with companies, hiring managers, start-up founders, developers, creators, and a whole range of other attendees, with whom you’ll be able to strike up a conversation, receive advice on any career ambitions, or even feedback on any XR ideas that you may have;
  • Grow your network of contacts within this exciting industry, and in tandem, grow your skills, subject matter knowledge and overall experience in the fields of Augmented, Virtual, Mixed Reality, as well as other technologies enabling the evolution of spatial computing.

Even if XR isn’t necessarily your thing, a volunteering experience at AWE doesn’t just have to be about technology. Many volunteers are simply looking for event experience, as perhaps they are looking for a role in an events management position or similar. AWE EU will see thousands of attendees present, and there will be plenty of opportunities to help out for volunteers looking to enhance their events background and experience. AWE can even sign off on any documents you might need for placements/work experience letters/etc.

If you are interested in volunteering in Lisbon, Portugal at AWE EU next month, then we would love to hear from you. Click below to get started on your AWE journey!


Become a Volunteer for AWE EU 2022

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