Elena Bascone
Ambassador for Italy Women in Immersive Technologies (WIIT) Europe

Elena Bascone is an Italian public policy professional, with a passion for tech - in particular, XR. Currently, she is the Italian Ambassador for Women in Immersive Tech Europe - an organization that aims at empowering women working in virtual, augmented and mixed reality. In this sense, she is devoted to improve the knowledge of XR technology across Italy among different generation of women and among different sectors.

Her commitment to WiiT stems from the fact that their works combines tech with ethical issues such as inclusion. Indeed, she has developed a strong passion for the defence of human rights as she focused on the topic while completing her bachelor with honours in politics and international relations from the University of Padova in 2017. Later, she decided to deepen her knowledge of business and coding while completing a Master of International Affairs at the Hertie School in 2020 and some online coding training.

Her interest lies at the intersection of international economics, tech and ethics. Her previous experiences include policy work at the Council of Europe and the European Commission. While at the Hertie School, she opened her first blog "Res Publica" (2018) and then she started her personal project "The Future Blog" (2022) - which she partially coded.


Oct 25

14:10 - 15:05


(PANEL) Immersive Technology as a Tool for Empowerment of Emerging Economies

Gianluigi Vona | Acumen Public Affairs

Patricia Paulina Karrer | EIT Manufacturing

Jennifer Bettinger | Accenture

Elena Bascone | Women in Immersive Technologies (WIIT) Europe