Heidi Meloy
Innovation & Strategy Lead DEIB Metaverse Hub

Solving the world’s most important challenges in education, healthcare, and industry as part of the Metaverse Hub UK team. Utilising the power of AI & XR (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality) technology, Metaverse Hub facilitate humanistic collaboration, learning and engagement in education and industry around the globe.

Working previously as part of the world’s largest and most quantum computer company, Heidi gained contemporary insight into Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Interconnected Intelligence, High Performance Computing (HPC), Advanced Analytics, Cybersecurity, and associated Business and Digital Transformation technologies in Education, Healthcare and Lifesciences, Manufacturing, Materials Science & Industry.

A passionate advocate of improving accessibility to emerging technology, Heidi is invited to join workshops which inform research, including, ‘Better Images of AI’ a collaboration with The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge. Working with colleagues from large enterprise and Oxford University has provided a unique insight, broadening an understanding of the current and future trajectory of AI, Metaverse and associated technologies.