Ira Bangula
Digital Lead Corporate Office Bayer AG

Ira is a seasoned and visionary Digital professional with intense experience in technological and leadership positions, including establishing and leading own start up, resulting in successful takeover.

She brings a proven track record of successfully driving digital transformation and leading cross-functional teams with a strong focus on people.

In 2019 Ira joined Bayer AG, and during the last 5 years she occupied various leadership positions in both IT and business, always with a focus on driving digital transformation.

As from 2022, Ira holds a position of Digital Lead for Corporate Office at Bayer AG. Here, she drives digital strategy and execution for 5 corporate functions.

Ira believes that if it is possible to envision something, you can also work towards it and achieve it!


Oct 24

15:00 - 15:25


The Bayer Metaverse Experiment in Arthur

Ira Bangula | Bayer AG

Christoph Fleischmann | Arthur Technologies