Michael Danninger
Partner EY

Michael is a Partner in the EY Consulting Practice in Vienna/Austria. With his clients he’s focusing on developing and operationalizing digital growth strategies – from achieving commercial excellence, enabling end-to-end customer experience to leveraging digital technologies for product and service innovation. Achieving tangible results in transformative projects is key to the work that Michael and his team delivers. His team is embedded in the global EY Customer & Growth Practice, consisting of technology and business focused practices as well as the EY Design Studio network.

Michael has a degree in international business administration and has spent over 25 years in the consulting and technology industry. He has worked for clients across Europe and across different industries. Besides his day2day work in EY he is regularly lecturing on Digital Process Innovation and Transformation.


Oct 24

15:30 - 16:00


Working Metaverse – What’s Real Today and What 6G Can Bring

Michael Danninger | EY

Hilary Mine | Nokia CX