AWE EU 2024

Flexible System using VR Techniques to Increase Competence of Technical Services Employees

Oct 30

13:05 - 13:30
Hall F1


This informative session will help attendees learn more about the Enea Operator training bus and how it was implemented. The main goal of the implemented project is to build a flexible, innovative virtual reality system for conducting training of technical service employees, containing interactive virtual training scenarios for selected (15 GPZ) Main Power Supply Points, Medium Voltage stations (9 power facilities) and a training center for live work.

 The most important feature of the system from the point of view of its implementation in EO is the ability to freely expand the content contained therein with additional scenarios and energy infrastructure objects, thanks to the use of knowledge engineering techniques and partial automation of the content preparation process, among others using contactless digitization techniques.

Session Speakers