AWE EU 2024

Beyond the Screen: Transformative Uses of AR

Oct 29

13:35 - 14:00
Hall F2
Developer, Creator & Gaming


In the rapidly evolving landscape of AR, the true value lies in identifying and leveraging use cases where AR distinctly outshines traditional technologies like smartphones. This talk, presented jointly by researchers from Cambridge Consultants will showcase scenarios where AR's immersive capabilities provide unparalleled advantages. We will describe our research, going beyond displaying information, to allow AR users to identify, connect to, and bind digital assets to physical systems, and then control those systems through natural gestures. From revolutionising remote expert collaboration to enabling a user to 'see the unseen', we'll explore how AR is redefining experiences across different industries. We'll also touch on the unique challenges designers and developers face in crafting these experiences, emphasising the importance of collaboration between the roles during product development. Attendees will gain insights into what AR can bring (which couldn't be done via another interface) through real-world examples, coming from those designing and developing the experiences themselves. We'll illustrate how to harness AR to create impactful, innovative solutions that go beyond the limitations of a flat screen.

Session Speakers