AWE EU 2024

Bringing Scale to AR with Google Maps

Oct 30

10:30 - 10:55
Hall E
Main Stage


At Google I/O 2024, Google’s Augmented Reality (AR) and Google Maps teams made a groundbreaking announcement: the integration of AR content into the native Google Maps mobile app. With Google Maps being one of the most used apps in the world, the move brings immersive content directly to mass audiences and represents a giant leap towards dissolving traditional barriers to AR adoption and discoverability. Google AR & VR, together with Google Arts and Culture and Google Maps, approached Rock Paper Reality as the full-service immersive partner for the bedrock experience. The mission: leverage the new AR content in Google Maps integration to bring the history, arts and culture of world-famous Paris to life in an entirely new way. This will result in an inflection point for location-based AR experiences that will transform how users can interact, engage, and discover content.

Session Speakers