Rony Abovitz
Magic Leap Founder

Rony Abovitz has been a transformative figure in spatial computing, founding Magic Leap and significantly advancing augmented reality technologies. His work at Magic Leap, from its inception in 2011, led to the creation of one of the first wearable spatial computing systems, the Magic Leap One. This innovation offered new ways to interact with digital content, blending the physical with the digital in unprecedented ways.

Magic Leap has developed one of the world’s leading spatial computing/XR systems. The flagship system, the Magic Leap 2, recently won the IF Gold Design Award and the Red Dot Gold Design Award, and was named Best In Show at AWE 2022.

Abovitz's efforts in developing spatial computing have laid foundational stones for AR, with Magic Leap achieving several world-firsts under his leadership. His diverse background in surgical robotics, AI, and visualization has contributed to his unique approach to XR, making him a key figure in defining the field of spatial computing.