Rodrigo Cerqueira, CEO, Panogramma: As an experienced interactive film director, focused specifically in XR films and photogrammetry since 2010, Cerqueira has directed/produced more than 200 VR Commercials for brands such as Fifa/Embratur WorldCup’ 14, Globo, VW, Jeep, Honda, IBM, Vogue, Budlight and P&G. Cerqueira also directed/broadcasted over 30 live events in Brazil, United States, Argentina and Bahamas for IDT/Sensation, Quilmes, VW and Bud Light, among others. Lately, Cerqueira’s passion for VR drove him to explore live action form (drama, fiction and horror) and Museum Tours, which Cerqueira directed two consecutive exhibits for 29th and 30th Bienal of Arts of Sao Paulo. In 2015 Cerqueira was the VR Director for the 1st Featured Film in VR, JesusVR - The Story of Christ, Directed by David Hansen. Since then, Cerqueira focused exclusively in create a slate of VR content ranging from Sports to Fiction, from Animation to 6Dof content.
In November 2017, Cerqueira was the producer and director of "7 Miracles", the first VR feature film from VIVE STUDIOS, an HTC subsidiary focused in create the highest quality content for VR.
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM
Piotr Uzarowicz | Arcturus
Rodrigo Cerqueira | Panograma Inc
Michael Mansouri | Radiant Images +
Roger Dias | Harvard Medical School
Christina Heller | Metastage