Sanjit Singh
Research assistant Rutgers University

Sanjit Singh is a recent graduate with a bachelor’s in computer science from Rutgers University New Brunswick. He works with ground-breaking technologies ranging from XR, motion tracking, point cloud visualization, Arduino, exoskeletons, and more. He was the Co-Founder and Vice President of a biotechnology start-up funded by NSF I-Corps, XBoost, where he managed a cross-disciplined team working on robotics exoskeleton devices and bridging it with XR environments for stroke rehabilitation. He was the project lead of the NASA Space User Interface Technologies for Students (SUITS) competition where he is developing Augmented Reality displays to help astronauts conduct Lunar exploration under UW Reality Labs and former intern with the S.U.I.T.S team NASA Johnson Space Center. Sanjit is an XR Software Engineer for Hoth Intelligence, a biotechnology-focused start-up developing Augmented Reality technologies for the next generation of skull surgery. He is a part-time research assistant with Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine working on XR simulations for visual field testing. Sanjit is passionate for the space industry. He and his team have been involved in numerous XR space projects from lunar exploration all the way to Mars.