Eric Masher specializes in building communities in the VR space. He founded one of the largest VR-focused communities on Facebook, Quest 2 Community, which now boasts 185k+ members. He is deeply in tune with the VR audience along with professionals in the VR space. Co-founder of Impact Reality a business focused on helping VR developers and businesses find success in the VR/AR market. He is also an Advisor to Andromeda Entertainment, which has more VR games published in more headsets than any other non-China based company. This is a result of Eric’s deep network and relationships with VR game devs, VR headset manufacturers and the VR community as a whole. As a well known and well respected voice in the community, he is also a co-host and producer for four VR/AR podcasts spread over every major streaming platform.
04:35 PM - 05:00 PM
Eric Masher | Impact Reality / Flat2VR Studios
Todd Jackson | Q2C-VR Gamer