Linda Jacobson
Director of Marketing HaptX

As the world’s first professional VR evangelist, co-founding editor of Wired, co-founder of the Bay Area’s first VR user group, HCI patent writer, and book author (CyberArts: Exploring Art & Technology, and Garage Virtual Reality), Linda Jacobson has helped create and define the commercial VR industry ecosystem. Today, she leads marketing for HaptX, and is thrilled to help people benefit from the visceral thrills of touch simulation. Since the early days of VR when shoulder pads and big hair were, well, big, Linda has worked with numerous organizations to support VR product design and UX research, develop partnerships and cash flow, and operationalize VR systems. She is a former co-host of the syndicated radio show, “On Computers,” but she had more fun performing as a virtual puppeteer with the 1990’s world music ensemble, D’Cuckoo. Linda recently was a featured voice in Mark Pesce’s and Tony Parisi’s podcast series, “A Brief History of the Metaverse,” which likely is not why Mark and Tony’s show was a finalist in the 2023 Samsung Australian IT Journalism Awards. She also is director emeritus of the wonderful Virtual World Society.


Jun 1

02:35 PM - 03:30 PM


Beyond Sight & Sound: Multisensory Experiences for Consumer Engagement

Linda Jacobson | HaptX

Jacquelyn Morie | All These Worlds, LLC

Tom Carter | Ultraleap

Laura Kusumoto | Creator

Kip Haynes | Lowe's