AWE USA 2025

Steven Christian
Medical XR Researcher & Creator
UNR Med/Iltopia Studios

Steven Christian is a visual artist and founder of Iltopia Studios where he creates comics and cartoons to educate, entertain, and empower the next generation of creators. As one of the leading emerging voices in augmented reality and immersive storytelling, Steven combines his 10 years or software development and artistic expertise to help propel projects to new heights. He regularly consults and contracts Unity Technolgies and many other companies to explore innovative ways to utilize emerging technology for consumer products and solutions. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Unity for Humanities, Portland Art Museum, Augmented World Expo, and much more. He is currently an MD/PhD candidate at University of Nevada, Reno with a focus on Integrative Neuroscience as the first Black MD/PhD student in the history of the state.