08:59 PM - 09:29 PM
Christina Kinne | XaosPrincess
Michael DiBenigno | Flow Immersive
Join AWE to Explore the Worlds of Virtual Collaboration
A tour of collaboration sites can only be conducted as a group. The AWE Academy is forming such a group to explore and examine the best training and collaboration sites we've found through a year of research. Don’t miss this opportunity to accurately simulate work and training experiences in XR. Previously offered only to corporate groups including Lockheed and Activision, this workshop is now open to the AWE community!
XR Consultant, Forbes Columnist, and author of Remote Collaboration, Virtual Conferences and the Future of Work (2020) Charlie Fink will guide you through ten of the major business collaboration VR platforms. In each visit you’ll actively participate in entertaining and educational activities, evaluate features, explore use cases and evaluate ease of use. You'll also receive in-world photos and personalized debriefing materials.