
Augmented Reality: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Human Experience

Jun 2

02:50 PM - 03:15 PM


Few people believed that the internet would be preferred to television and that a subscription system would be preferred to a one-time purchase, but it happened. And that's because someone prepared for success in advance. Created their blue ocean. Set the sails in advance. Do you see what I mean?

Now, AR is already shining on the market, but an important event for the entire tech world looms on the horizon: the long-awaited release of AR glasses. Giants such as Apple and Samsung are planning their release as early as 2023, and with them, the Quest ecosystem from Meta is actively developing. Imagine that those long-awaited AR glasses are already in your hands. What will you do with them?

Most admit that they are more likely to just twirl the glasses in their hands, try them on a couple of times and then just put them away for a long time. That's because they don't have a user behavior pattern. So, no need to wait for the wind, grab the sail and set it now. After all, AR exists not only in rare expensive gadgets but also in your personal smartphone. If for some reason you think that AR is out of your way and that such behavioral patterns have nothing to do with you, then let's look at AR from the other side.

And to do this, let's discuss the following questions.

- What kind of content will we need tomorrow and how do we start applying it today? What technologies are needed to create it?

- Looking for effective use of AR for the tasks of clients, business? Learning to measure.

- New AR professions of the future

- Don't wait for mass production of AR glasses. How to teach clients and partners to work with AR?

- What can the community start doing today?


CEO & Founder , DEVAR

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