Welcome back to AWE Talks, our series that plucks the greatest hits from the vast AWE conference archive. Fortunately, we now have a fresh batch of session footage from AWE USA 2021 to draw upon. And 2022's show will already be here in June.
For this week's talk, we spotlight 19 Crimes' AR marketing case study. TACTIC's Peter Oberdorfer unpacked the campaign including goals, tactical execution, and results. It's a free lesson in boosting booze brands with labels that come to life.
– One of AR's continually-proven strengths in marketing is to make static packaging come to life. – The thought is that it builds on existing assets and sunk costs in consumer packaged goods (CPG). – It's not a silver bullet, but it works well in some CPG categories such as appliances and spirits. – In the latter domain, Discovery Wines leaned into dynamic packaging for its 19 Crimes Brand. – This was a newer brand in its portfolio that could benefit from more awareness and novelty. – Working with agency TACTIC, it created now-infamous AR animations on its bottle labels. – This worked particularly well says TACTIC's Peter Oberdorfer, because it was theme-aligned. – Its bottles include 19th-century criminals that animate like Harry Potter moving paintings. – Because this labeling was already established, AR campaigns only need to build on that. – TACTIC used Unity to create the animations, and used the labels themselves as activation markers. – And the results? It achieved 30 million views in the first month, which then rocketed to 1 million+. – Better yet, engagement has sustained over time at average monthly plays around 750K. – To achieve these numbers requires a few things, including brand commitments for promotion. – Discovery Wines did just that, tying the AR promotion to its tastings and other events. – This was aligned with the use case of spirits, as it engendered a "party favor" dynamic. – Oberdorfer also recommends building on past investment in each subsequent campaign. – That includes past lessons/tactics learned, as well as being able to repurpose 3D assets. – TACTIC went a step further, creating a platform for Discovery Wines to use on other wine labels. – That standardization reduced considerable friction in subsequent AR campaigns. – It also baked analytics into that platform, including CRM to track customer lifetime value. – As for what's next, the future is all about web AR, says Oberdorfer, for less activation friction. – Web AR capability also continues to catch up to native apps thanks to the work of 8th Wall.
See the full video below along with quick-hit takeaways.
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