AWE EU 2024
Ioana Matei is the Global Head of Innovation at Louis Dreyfus Company and former Emerging/Immersive Technologies Leader for Procter & Gamble. She has more than 15 years’ experience working in Innovation and new technologies in big multinationals. In the past 6 years, Ioana has been focusing on building immersive technologies (VR and AR) services for enterprise from shopper packaging research, retailers virtual store visits to the latest brand engagement on new storytelling. She has been the architect of P&G LifeLab (best 10 experience at CES), BeautySphere and other company initiatives. Ioana is also a professional film maker and VR experience creator. She has written, directed two short films, produced one feature film and she is involved in the production of several VR experiences. She has co-founded Women in Immersive Technologies Europe with the mission to support women in this new emerging industry and she is running the Virtual Reality section of the Fine Arts Film Festival in Los Angeles.