AWE EU 2024

Monica Arés
Executive Director
Imperial IDEA Lab

Monica is a leading expert in innovation and immersive learning, whose pioneering work in XR and AI has solidified her as a leader in the global technological landscape. As the former Head of Immersive Learning at Meta and a visionary leader on Interactive Learning Labs at Amazon, Monica has become a seminal figure in the field of immersive education.

Named among the Top 100 Global Women of the Future in Emerging Tech, Monica’s influence resonates globally. As an advisor and Chief Innovation Officer for startups and Founder of Th3 Third Door, Monica has formulated and executed innovative tech solutions that reimagine the future of work and learning.

As the Executive Director of Innovation, Digital Education, and Analytics (IDEA) Lab at Imperial College London, Monica is defining the vision for the future of learning while leading an expert team through the development and growth of new solutions for the rapidly evolving industry. Monica's leadership is crafting a legacy where the fusion of advanced technology and human potential unlocks new frontiers for learning and innovation.