Philipp Breuss-Schneeweis
Creator of the First AR Browser at Wikitude

Philipp Breuss-Schneeweis founded Wikitude in 2008 and is a key figure in the development of augmented reality technologies. Wikitude’s flagship product was the “Wikitude World Browser,” which in 2008 became the first augmented reality browser for geospatial content on a mobile device. Under Breuss-Schneeweis’ leadership, Wikitude introduced one of the first widely used AR mobile applications, setting a precedent for location-based AR experiences. The company was acquired by Qualcomm in 2021.

Breuss-Schneeweis’ efforts in the field of augmented reality not only helped to kickstart a frenzy of AR browsers and propel the adoption of AR in consumer applications, but also helped lay the groundwork for future AR developments in navigation, education, and entertainment.


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