With extensive experience as a spatial design consultant for renowned companies like Meta and Walmart, I bring over a decade of specialized UX design knowledge for 3D environments. As the founder of Hummingbirdsday Design Studio and XReality Pro, I've focused on delivering creative spatial design solutions across various industries. My expertise includes developing spatial design prototypes using Unity, designing user-friendly spatial interfaces, and conducting comprehensive user research and testing.
I'm also the author of "Breaking the 2D Paradigm: Spatial Design" (available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM57X543), a book that explores ten key Spatial Design Principles and Patterns, enhanced by insights from interviews with over 35 XR industry leaders.
03:40 PM - 05:10 PM
Chaitanya Ravi | SentioVR
Amber Hawkes | Here LA
Ariella Lehrer | Legacy Games
Quentin Turner | Intrinsic XR
Pearly Chen | HTC Vive
Giovanni Fantoni Modena Fantoni Fantoni | Vitruvian
Dominique Wu | XReality Pro
Tipatat Chennavasin | The Venture Reality Fund
Dave Haynes | FOV Ventures
Kristina Serafim | Verizon Ventures
Ofer Baharav | Villa
David A. Smith | Croquet
Alex Coulombe | Heavenue / Agile Lens
Sherry Chang | Neural Lab
03:05 PM - 03:30 PM
Dominique Wu | XReality Pro