AWE USA 2024

PANEL: A Candid Conversation with Learning & Development, Our XR Successes and Struggles

Jun 18

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Room 103C
Collaboration, Training & Education


Implementing XR at any organization can be a challenge, and for larger companies, these challenges are compounded by increased organizational complexity. In this panel, professionals putting XR to work for learning & development will discuss the biggest hurdles they’ve had to overcome and what they continue to struggle with as well as the success they’ve seen and what makes them most proud. From learning management systems to compliance, budget to field deployment, device management to cultural change and more, representatives from Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, Pfizer, and Takeda will take advantage of sharing the stage with their peers to engage in a lively discussion and share wins and lessons learned.

Session Speakers