AWE USA 2024

Unleashing Enterprise Potential with XR and Immersive Technologies

Jun 20

09:00 AM - 09:25 AM
Promenade Room 104B


Elizabeth will delve into the rationale behind the use of Extended Reality (XR) as an optimal tool for handling extensive datasets, surpassing conventional methods of review. Her presentation will involve a comparative analysis of use cases employing various data visualization techniques, highlighting instances where XR consistently delivers substantial value when integrated into enterprise settings through a holistic digital twin.

The discussion will encompass the significance of scientific datasets, addressing simultaneously aesthetic and engineering perspectives. Elizabeth will specifically emphasize the role of stereoscopic immersive high-fidelity environments in presenting data contextually, catering to a diverse demographic within the industry and even within a single company.

Furthermore, Elizabeth will draw from her experience in developing and implementing immersive realities at Ford Motor Company to shed light on both the triumphs and challenges associated with the widespread adoption of immersive technologies. In this presentation Elizabeth will reveal insights into the transformative potential of XR and the strategic considerations for its large-scale adoption for many industries, from automotive to medical.

Session Speakers