AWE USA 2024

PANEL: Industrial Metaverse: Building the Factories and Workforce of the Future

Jun 19

12:35 PM - 01:30 PM
Promenade Room 104A
XR Enablement


There are currently more than 600,000 open U.S. manufacturing positions, which is expected to rise. The National Association of Manufacturers estimates that by 2030, 4 million manufacturing jobs will likely be needed. How can immersive technology help to solve the challenge of filling these vital positions in our economy?

In this panel discussion, decision-makers and experts in manufacturing and training will delve into the burgeoning industrial metaverse and how immersive technology is helping to train, upskill and prolong the careers of manufacturing employees. Additionally, they’ll explore real-world use cases and how AR and VR are used to increase manufacturing efficiency and solve complex problems with limited disruption to production

XRA’s CEO Liz Hyman will moderate the discussion and unpack the findings from the XR Association’s survey of Manufacturers to be released in May

Session Speakers