AWE USA 2024

How to Craft Compelling Multiplatform Storytelling Strategies

Jun 18

01:30 PM - 01:55 PM
Room 102B
Retail & Marketing


Transmedia storytelling is a field primed for elevation through XR technologies. In this presentation, we will explore the art of crafting narratives that span across mediums, leveraging traditional storytelling mediums like film and emerging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) to push the boundaries of storytelling. Delving into the dynamic interplay between film, documentary, and AR, we'll explore the strategic considerations behind placing different story elements in distinct mediums, while harnessing the unique strengths of each. Through a real-world case study, we'll dissect and learn from 'Designing Reality', a groundbreaking project spanning a short narrative film, feature documentary, 360 dome projection, and AR app. This innovative endeavor encompasses a fusion of AI-enabled participatory art, projection mapping, and live performance. Furthermore, it spreads the story across a documentary film exploring how emerging technologies can be used for good, and a sci-fi fiction film about the near future and utilizing AI to help build a better world. This project offers a glimpse into the limitless possibilities of transmedia storytelling. Through this case study, participants will be inspired to spread their stories across mediums to have the highest impact and create experiences that people cannot stop talking about. Whether embarking on personal projects or leading high-level marketing campaigns, the insights shared in this presentation will be invaluable in crafting stories that captivate and leave a lasting impression.

Session Speakers