AWE USA 2024

From Inception to Adoption: The First Decade of Investing in XR & Spatial Computing (History Talk)

Jun 19

11:30 AM - 11:55 AM
Room 103C
Start-Ups & Investors


A decade after the Facebook-Oculus acquisition, the XR and spatial computing fields have experienced immense growth alongside significant challenges. Ryan Wang, Co-founder and General Partner of Outpost Capital, offers a critical analysis of the past ten years from an investor’s vantage point, highlighting the technological progress and investment shifts within the industry.

Ryan will evaluate the sector's evolution since 2014, shedding light on both achievements and obstacles, with a special focus on the implications for startup founders and entrepreneurs. Looking forward, he will provide projections for the next decade, identifying emerging opportunities and advising on strategies for navigating the evolving landscape. This session is designed to arm founders, entrepreneurs and investors with actionable insights, preparing them to leverage the expansive potential of XR and spatial computing. 

Session Speakers