AWE USA 2024

Memory Space - An AR Exploration of LA's First Chinatown

Jun 19

02:30 PM - 02:55 PM
Room 101B
Gaming, Entertainment & Media


The goal of this project is to geo-locate historic photographic images of LA's first Chinatown onto the location where they were originally taken and that is now occupied by Union Station.  Using the 8thWall mobile AR platform,  historic images from the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West are viewed on a visitor's mobile device screen and appear superimposed onto the actual site of the original buildings.   As players move around the station and surrounding area, they retrace the steps of the original photographers and enter portals into 3D street scenes of the original Chinatown community.  The project utilizes VPS wayspots, Arcturus Holostream, generative-AI imagery and video, interlinked 8th Wall projects, and interactive characters using the Inworld 8th Wall module.

Session Speakers