AWE USA 2024

Implementation of Handling Spatial Objects in Swift on visionOS

Jun 18

03:00 PM - 03:25 PM
Room 101A


VisionOS continues to evolve. More people are purchasing and using Apple Vision Pro, and there are an increasing number of developers starting development in the simulator. One of the joys of Spatial Computing is the ability to freely place objects in space and interact with them. However, there is still very limited practical information available. To place objects in any location within Immersive Space and display or interact with SwiftUI views, it's necessary to understand and implement the proper techniques. Furthermore, to consistently display objects in the same location even after restarting the application, knowledge of techniques such as using World Anchor to fix objects in the world space is required. 

In this session, I will explain the necessary processes for spatial processing along with source code and demonstrate them on the spot.  This session will be helpful for visionOS app developers.

Session Speakers