AWE USA 2024

The New Holodeck: A Vision for Spatial Problem-Solving

Jun 19

03:00 PM - 03:25 PM
Room 102A
AI & Virtual Beings


Imagine a world where you can travel anywhere, anytime, and collaborate with anyone to solve spatial problems. Whether designing a city, exploring geographical wonder, or reviewing the design of a factory, you can use a Holodeck to immerse yourself in the situation and find solutions. The modern vision of a Holodeck is not just virtual reality but the ultimate information hub, ultimately connecting the physical world with the benefits of the digital. Its structured data provides APIs for AI to understand better space, humans, machines, and digital twins, allowing for spatial applications to support your decision-making. As such, the Holodeck transcended to the real world through robotic extensions and sensors, allowing you to manipulate and understand spatial problems of any scale. In this talk, I will explore the possibilities of spatial computing with a new perspective on the Holodeck. From its origins in science fiction to its current and potential applications in various domains. I will also discuss the challenges and opportunities of creating a data model that can govern the Holodeck and enable spatial AI. Finally, I will speculate on the future of collaboration and business travel using the Holodeck and how it can transform our perception and problem-solving of spatial problems.

Session Speakers