AWE USA 2024

Revolutionizing Engagement: AR's Impact in Sports, Retail, and Advertising

Jun 18

01:00 PM - 01:25 PM
Room 102B
Retail & Marketing


Monica Hsueh from Speed 3D will address the overarching challenges brands face in the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR), with a special focus on sports, retail, and 3D billboards. Key Pain Points for Brands include integration complexity, creating genuinely engaging AR experiences that provide real value, cost-effectiveness, measurement of ROI, Scalability, and the practical challenges of 3D billboards (fixed locations, long production times, etc.). Monica will showcase how sector-specific AR solutions not only address identified challenges but also open new avenues for brand engagement and conversion. The audience will be inspired with the potential of AR to revolutionize brand strategies, focusing on practical, impactful applications.

Session Speakers