AWE USA 2024

Building for the Future of Human Cognition

Jun 20

02:30 PM - 02:55 PM
Room 102A
AI & Virtual Beings


As XR and AI become increasingly intertwined, we have the potential to augment human cognition in a way that was previously impossible. Dr. Stefanie Hutka, neuroscience-PhD-turned-UX-leader, will discuss the future of user experiences at the intersection of XR and AI, drawing from the latest research on cognitive science, human-computer interaction, and a decade of experience leading UX research for spatial computing product launches. Dr. Hutka will examine the cognitive implications of increasingly embodied interactions, systems that can anticipate and adapt based on your context and emotional state, and the delegation of increasingly advanced “thinking tasks” to AI-powered spatial computing devices. At the end of this talk, you’ll be equipped with a new product development framework to help unlock, rather than replace, human capabilities, tools to guide problem framing, ideation and product evaluation, and design principles to help us build more useful, usable spatial computing systems.

Session Speakers