AWE USA 2024

Authentic Real-World 3D/4D Human Data to Train AI, Wear Tech, & Image Health

Jun 19

11:30 AM - 11:55 AM
Room 102A
AI & Virtual Beings


The world continues to make rapid progress in the development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its derivatives to digitally create ‘humans’. With this progress, how can we be assured of the provenance of the digitally-created ‘human’.  The answer is... Real-World Authenticity. Today digital ‘human’ creation is predominantly derived from synthetic human appearance, behavior, and interaction data due to computer processing limitations. However, tomorrow’s digital ‘human’ creation will be based on AI learning from authentic real-world data of people recorded physically in action with the utmost 3D fidelity. Not only will authentic real-world data train digital human mankind, the authenticity of the 3D geometry of the digital body form will be able to be used anthropometrically to ensure that the technology physical human mankind wears is effective, comfortable, and responsive.

Session Speakers