AWE USA 2024

Welcome to Spatial Web3! Information, Exploration and Entertainment. Everywhere.

Jun 18

01:35 PM - 02:00 PM
Room 102A


The Internet Is flat. The World is not. Give your content some shape!
We humans have gotten used to consuming Web content on our handheld 2D devices but our thumbs grow tired from endless scrolling!
There is almost infinite information available to us but trying to find what is relevant to our current location in our current moment often feels like boiling the ocean for answers.
That's because we are 3-dimensional people and The Web is served up to us linearly. Consider the endless pages you scroll through looking through search results, social media feeds, photos and videos.
Finding a photo in your social media from 2 years ago can take you 2 minutes of scrolling!
Think instead about a future where all the information you need is constantly displayed spatially around you. All those photos you have taken in your lifetime now persist exactly at the place where you took them.
A selfie from your first date is forever available to you at the same restaurant where you took it. Information relevant to your current location is there in front of your eyes on demand and instantly where you need it.
Now think about empowering creators to create, own, share and monetise all of this content on the blockchain.
This is known as “The Spatial Web3”, it is the future of the Internet and tagSpace is powering it now. Jump into this session to learn more! 

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