AWE USA 2024

Are You Ready to Create and/or Consume at the Speed of Light?

Jun 18

12:30 PM - 12:55 PM
Room 102A


As Gen AI technologies proliferate across governments, societies, and industries (especially Web 3, XR, Metaverse) the demand for computing infrastructure to power digital systems and economies will skyrocket. Data volume globally is expected to 16X in the bookends of 2018 and 2030, with commensurate energy demands to multiply 13X in the same window. This will mean more data centers, equipment, cabling, servers, GPUs, and power - MUCH more power - that is already unevenly distributed globally. This is not sustainable. But there is a way forward by moving from Electronic to Photonic networks, connectivity, and computing, at a fraction of the power needed, with higher throughput and lower transmission latency of data. That's right - we are on the brink of a rich digital landscape generated by the science and speed of light. Join us so we can 'illuminate' you with the paradigm shift promised by Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN).

Session Speakers