AWE USA 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Reimbursement in Healthcare XR

Jun 18

03:50 PM - 04:15 PM
Room 103B
Healthcare & Wellness


Providers are already integrating Extended Reality (XR) into patient care in a variety of ways. For example, using VR to gamify physical therapy exercises for pediatric patients to keep them engaged in their treatment, or to provide targeted exposure therapy in a controlled environment for patients with extreme phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder. The catch? VR headsets are still expensive relative to other forms of treatment, and most public and commercial insurance payors don’t cover them yet.

This presentation will review the following:

  • Why reimbursement is important for healthcare XR companies to understand and how it will impact their business
  • An overview of the reimbursement structure in the US
  • Existing Virtual Reality reimbursement codes (both paid and experimental)

Existing reimbursement pathways not specific to XR but that provide opportunities for XR companies and providers that use their technology

Understanding reimbursement pathways will be a huge advantage for innovators in the healthcare XR space, helping forward-thinking founders build compliant products, address their provider customers’ and their patients’ treatment challenges, and provide comfort to investors that healthcare XR is built for longevity.

Session Speakers