AWE USA 2024

Transforming AEC: Autodesk Workshop XR and Beyond

Jun 20

02:30 PM - 02:55 PM
Promenade Room 104A
XR Enablement


In this presentation, Tian will discuss the potential of XR as a transformative solution for the complex issues faced by the AEC industry. The presentation will consist three parts: 1. Understanding the customer base 2. XR Opportunities 3. Start small by tackling specific user pain points with scalable solutions. The recently announced Autodesk Workshop XR will be used as an example with references to other notable XR products in the market such as Microsoft Mesh and Meta Horizon. The AEC industry as a targeted customer base is characterized by its intricacy, and depending on the project size, can have a highly complex working pipeline. For product designers, the goal is to alleviate customer pain points. However, they often encounter limitations such as hardware restrictions, limited resources, and competitive pressure. This presentation explores strategies for designing XR products that seamlessly integrate into the AEC workflow, which enhances productivity. This presentation will provide valuable insights into the use of XR in the AEC industry, with Autodesk Workshop XR serving as the primary case study. Attendees should leave confident that the knowledge learned will be a helpful XR design reference to enhance the application of XR in the AEC industry.

Session Speakers