AWE USA 2024

The Great Interface Shift: How Customers will be Interacting with Brands in the Next Two Years

Jun 18

03:55 PM - 04:20 PM
Promenade Room 104B


From the humble mouse and keyboard to the smartphone and today’s voice-enabled
assistants, there are only a few interfaces that have really taken off among consumers. For all its benefits, ChatGPT and other leading LLMs can’t claim to be among them – not while it only gives you blocks of text to read. But all that’s changing. In this session, UneeQ’s Danny Tomsett will explain how in the next two years the great interface shift is going to happen, where 30% of new applications will use AI to drive personalized and adaptive user interfaces. He’ll introduce which brands are paving the way today, and what’s driving customers to interact with technology in a more natural, human way.

Session Speakers