AWE USA 2024

Solving the Competency @ Scale Challenge with Immersive VR

Jun 18

05:30 PM - 05:55 PM
Room 103C
Collaboration, Training & Education


Clinical training has advanced over the years, and now with the adoption of technology we are able to accelerate human capability via precision simulation using virtual reality (VR) and as a result, advance pre-human competence in surgery and additional clinical environments to improve patient outcomes. Haptic technology enables users to develop the knowledge of how it feels to perform a procedure correctly or incorrectly – helping to build muscle memory that is particularly important in advanced and precise surgical environments. This session will discuss the value of Immersive VR and haptic technology environments and experiences that facilitate skills development and transfer, allowing medical device manufacturers to improve access and accelerate procedure and product adoption. The session will cover the growing body of scientific evidence which demonstrates the value of VR vs. traditional training across various specialties. It will also provide real life case study examples of companies that implemented immersive VR training successfully and showed improvement in patient care while demonstrating significant ROI.

Session Speakers