The AWE Playground is our 20,000 square foot AR+VR experience center featuring jaw-dropping, highly immersive and interactive demos not seen under one roof anywhere else (think more theme park than trade show expo). 

All experiences will be either a premiere, launch or an exclusive creation for the AWE Playground and will offer an experience that leverages working technology in an engaging, fun and exciting fashion that is ready for a high throughput.

Join us in the AWE Playground!

Wilkins Avenue AR's "Out There"

Discover the magic of Wilkins Avenue AR's “Out There” - the first-ever musical created for Spatial Computing AR, now on Apple Vision Pro! Starring Emmy- and Grammy-award nominee Vanessa Williams, “Out There” is a groundbreaking creative experience.

Body of Mine

Body of Mine is an award winning, full-body VR experience that lets you inhabit the body of another gender, for an emotional and intimate exploration of gender dysphoria and trans identity.

XR League

XR League offers a unique experience for any Virtual, Augmented, or Mixed reality consumer, by providing a premier option to meet with players and play your favorite games.

Journey of Hope: XR Experiences of Haiti

Step into Hope for Haiti's immersive XR exhibit and experience our work in Haiti to alleviate poverty firsthand. Explore Haiti via webAR experiences built on 8thWall, or take a deep dive into VR and immerse yourself in a Haitian school.

Oregon Reality Lab, University of Oregon

Meet the students from the University of Oregon's Immersive Media Communication master's program (the first of its kind!) and discover the way this program is teaching them to use immersive technology to drive change and tell stories through strategic communication.

These are Snap Scholars, innovators, creators, entrepreneurs, and communicators effectively harnessing the power of immersive media to build communities, drive brand engagement and more!

BRCvr presents PlayaPortals

PlayaPortals is an immersive app that lets users experience Black Rock City in VR with 3D models and 360/180 videos from Burning Man. It uniquely allows non-linear narrative exploration and socializing, creating an engaging interactive experience.

Freeaim VR Shoes

Freeaim’s affordable and easy-to-use VR Shoes let you walk naturally in VR across infinite distances and in any direction, while keeping you safely in a small area. We are solving limited movement in VR to redefine gaming, fitness, training and more!

Strategically Communicating with Immersive Teach

Meet the faculty and graduate students at the University of Oregon who are pioneering the communications field with immersive technologies! At the Oregon Reality Lab, graduate students are learning how to build ethical, responsible, and powerful communication strategies to meet the needs of brands and organizations. Come see their work!

Spacebar Arcade

Spacebar is a VR barcade set in the wild west of cyberspace. Our 15’ tall arcade cabinet invites players on the outside to use physical pinball controls, while others go inside the machine, for a head-to-head contest of pinball meets dodgeball.

Benvision: Melody Meets Mobility

Meet BEN: the Binaural Experience Navigator, revolutionizing sightless navigation with spatial audio. Experience seamless guidance through the power of music and discover how BEN can transform accessibility for museums, hotels, venues, and more.

The Lunar Light

It’s the year 2055. The lunar community is thriving, thanks in part to the LunaAqua research base at the moon’s south pole.

Last month, a massive asteroid hit the moon and destroyed everything in its path, including critical machinery and crew.

A mysterious blue light now emits from the impact zone, and has created an electrical blackout in the immediate vicinity.
We have observed that this radius is growing. It now threatens all life on the moon. Brave Mission Specialists have been called in to investigate the region and help to solve the mystery of The Lunar Light.


You're the conductor, and the spotlight's on you! Dive into the musical world of Meli, where every wave of your hand brings the rhythm to life. With awesome hand-tracking and mixed reality magic, you can wield your wand and watch as your living room transforms into an extravaganza of lights, colors and sound. Get ready to groove to all the classics, from the graceful 'Swan Lake' to the buzzing 'Flight of the Bumblebee.' The stage is yours, the wand's ready — let's PLAY some music!

Fantail's Game Night

Fantail's Game Night is an upcoming local multiplayer MR party game on Meta Quest. Chase each other around the room through a series of riotously fun minigames. Play competitively or cooperatively, or betray your teammates to take out the top prize!


The Toxic Therapy AWE experience showcases our "Quit Your Day Job" Room along with two of its bonus levels: Table Flip and RC Golf Cart. Dodge ball, a bonus level from our "Rule School" Room, will also be included with the AWE demo.


Try out one of PILLOW's unique 4 laying down daily experiences: SKY FISHING! In this custom AWE experience, experience the magic of social MR as you fish from the ceiling... except each fish is a voice message left by another conference member.

Fungisaurs Breakroom 2099

The year is 2099, humanity's shortsighted pursuits have led to severe climate crises. Los Angeles, abandoned for decades after toxic gas, fires and floods, is suddenly brimming with life once more...

Rather than the expected post-apocalyptic hell-scape, our advance recon team reports lush green canopy, flowing rivers and breathable air. A strange mushroom-dinosaur species is milling about re-wilding the city at a remarkable pace, and you've been sent to learn more.
Enter an office Breakroom to observe the corporate culture that precipitated the fall of human civilization, and uncover the secrets of the Fungisaurs working toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.

Creator Campus

Get a sneak peek into the world's first downloadable theme park from Future Circus packed full of mixed reality games from creators at Creator Campus!

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