AWE USA 2024

Greg Tarnacki
CEO / Founder

Greg Tarnacki is the CEO and Founder of 18Loop, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that deploys Virtual Reality (VR) in order to help pediatric oncology patients tolerate treatment, recover and thrive. Greg is focused on public service, especially where technology can be leveraged for the greater good.

Greg spent almost 20 years in technology sales working on network infrastructure, business intelligence, cloud and IT consulting initiatives. After his last role in private sector technology sales, Greg joined Americorps where he served a volunteer year helping Opportunity Youth in Newark, NJ prepare for college and careers. 18Loop is the culmination of all Greg has learned about the technology sector and service to the community.

Greg earned a Bachelor’s Degree (BA) from Seton Hall University, and holds certificates from MIT (Artificial Intelligence) and Oxford (Blockchain). Currrently, he is enrolled in Cornell's dual degree MBA/MS program in Healthcare Leadership. This Spring, Greg’s writing will be published in Mental Health Virtual Reality: The Power of Immersive Worlds, an academic handbook on Health and Wellness xR.