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Nov 10

09:00 AM - 09:25 AM


Join Snap CTO Bobby Murphy for a conversation about the vision to "reinvent the camera," evolving the camera from a communication tool to an augmented reality platform. Learn how Snap is pushing the boundaries of augmented reality alongside creators, businesses, and the Snapchatter community, shaping how we experience the world around us.


Senior Writer , WIRED
Creative Technologist , Taco Lamp
Chief Technology Officer , Snap, Inc.
Nov 10

09:30 AM - 09:55 AM


Join Unity’s Tony Parisi for a can’t miss fireside chat with Catherine D. Henry, SVP Growth: 5G, Creative VR/AR/ XR Strategy and Innovation at Media.Monks and Keith Sojacich, VP, Experiential Technology at Publicis to learn more about the current and future state of XR for brands and agencies. We’ll discuss current successes in XR, challenges and opportunities for immersive experiences, and the future potential of XR, plus where the metaverse fits in.


CPO , Lamina1
Head of Innovation , Publicis Media
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


During the live session, we will dive into the meaning and application of algorithmic diversity in technology (including such cases as neurodiversity). Using the latest experiences, cases and research, we will analyze the current state and problems of inclusive innovation and technology, including the problems of representation and criteria, inclusive research and design-thinking, the building of inclusive products (AI-driven platforms, devices, apps, social and emotional robotics), ethical considerations and concerns (the "black-box" and "double-check" problems, transparency, explainability, fairness, surveillance), shortcomings of current technology ecosystems, policies and human rights frameworks.


Explorer, Public Evaluator, Board Member , Yonah
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


The central location of the book "Ready Player One" is The OASIS, a fully embodied VR metaverse that began as a game, but was so compelling, so useful and fun, that everyone - every person, every business, every institution and even every game - had to have a presence there. Sort of like the formative Internet in the 90s. This is fiction, of course, Mark Zuckerberg says we will soon regard Facebook as a "metaverse company." Epic Games (maker of Fortnite), announced their most recent funding round of one billion dollars will be spent building a metaverse. But how shall we define it? Who else is building - or has built - a metaverse? What technology does a metaverse require? What might its terminal form be? On which platforms - AR, VR, Mobile - will these virtual, social spaces manifest, when, and how?


Consultant, Columnist, Author, Adjunct , Forbes


Mixed Reality (XR) offers an opportunity to catalytically change how humans operate in the world, enabling understanding and action never before possible. At the center of this potential are the challenges and opportunities of the human-machine interface and the ability to use these systems in real-world scenarios. Specifically, the challenge entails how (and when) to integrate XR appropriately and generatively into the Perception-Acton loop during real world tasks. The DoD industry base, like many other industries, is investing heavily into XR across many dimensions. The implementation of XR technologies on the individual Soldier entail a complete and robust understanding of not only the optical-mechanical systems themselves but, more importantly, the understanding of the challenges of implementing such a device on the human system. Dr. Palmer will speak to these challenges and opportunities, as well as their portability to other industries looking to enable increased performance, efficiencies, or joy to the users of these devices. Topics will include Data to Decision (D2D) in Context, Architectural Requirements and Trades when implementing on Human Systems, the challenge of Cognitive/Attentional/Physical Load, and Management of Local (XR) – Global (Real World) relations in different contexts.


Sr. Scientist/Combat Developer , Agustine Consulting, Inc.
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


As AI and machine learning advance, human augmentation becomes less dystopian and more utilitarian. There is definite trepidation about the increase of machines in the workforce, many fear for their livelihood, robotic overlords and other such visions of how a robot / AI future would look. Some roles may disappear, others will emerge bringing employment to more people. Recent global disruptions, shifting marketplaces, and other unexpected situations have magnified the need for flexibility and new ways of working. Technology will further revolutionize the relationship between people and technology, powering us towards greater productivity.
As organizations gradually transition out of ‘survival’ and review what lies ahead, the experience and lessons learned from 2020’s biggest remote working experiment show us the best world of work is ours to create, if we are willing to adapt. Leaders must address the significant upskilling and augmentation that will be required to elevate their workforces and communicate a compelling vision in which technology plays an additive, not subtractive role, in the lives of employees- empowering them, making work more interesting, productive and meaningful, so that people can think, learn, and create.
Talking points:
• How NEW is augmentation at work?
• Is it replacing or enhancing, or both?
• Greater digital divide, or new employment opportunities?
• Does EQ currency come into play?


Executive Vice President and Chief Product Officer , Citrix
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


There remains a huge gap between hopes for scalability of wearable AR to the general public and real world success stories involving large volumes of paying customers. ARtGlass has bridged that gap. CEO Greg Werkheiser and Vice President Lexi Cleveland will present with client Therese Alvich of Merlin Entertainments. They’ll share lessons applicable across many verticals from a journey scaling to serve millions of thrilled visitors to iconic cultural sites globally who pay for 45-120 minute tours. How and why did ARtGlass and their client sites break through quietly, inexpensively, and with a team characterized by atypical diversity?


Senior Project Director , ARtGlass
General Manager, Madame Tussauds , Merlin Entertainments Ltd
CEO , ARtGlass


While retail sales across the board have hit new lows, companies that have been able to pivot and provide superior experiences by harnessing the latest advancements in technologies like AR – are finding new, innovative ways to increase customer engagement and drive sales. Bollé was one such brand that quickly recognized trying on products virtually had a renewed appeal and saw the value in AR as a way to provide incredibly rich and realistic experiences.

Partnering with M7 Innovations and QReal, Bollé launched multiple ‘Try-On/Try-Out’ AR campaigns via Instagram in 2020 (one in June and one in October) and 2021 (one in May and one in September [link to come soon]). What people loved is that they could not only see how the glasses looked on, but also how the lens technology worked - the industry’s first ‘Try-Out’ AR experience. Paired with 3D models on their website that garnered an impressively high average dwell time of nearly 19 seconds, Bollé proved they can progress past the ‘fun’ of AR and make something functional for their customers in their e-commerce journey.

As an additional proof-point, Bollé retail partner Dick’s Sporting Goods saw January 2021 sales of Bollé products up 456% YOY (all digital), which is impressive as there wasn’t even a pandemic to contend with in January 2020. The key differentiator was the AR lens experience that was created, the Google Swirl ad unit that drove traffic to the Dick’s page, and a little paid media to support these two things.


Founder , M7 Innovations
VP, Trade Marketing , Bollé Brands
General Manager , QReal Technologies
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:25 AM


META’s Ragip Pala describes NANOWEB®, Meta’s Roll to Roll lithographically fabricated transparent conductor with superior electrical and optical properties. This functional film is configured as a nanostructured conformable metal wire mesh, that is transparent to the naked eye. NANOWEB® enables smart solutions for wearable functions including electro-optical dimming, antennas, anti-fogging heaters and security filters. Andrew Mark also reviews Meta Materials core holographic materials and recordation capability used for compact efficient HUD’s. Here Meta has developed high efficiency Volume Holographic Grating (VPG) combiners using Covestro advanced photopolymers, which are incorporated into vehicle HMD’s and AR lens’s. Unlike Surface Relief Gratings, photo-sensitive holographic film materials, the building block of META’s holographic HUD products, have tremendous high volume low cost manufacturing potential, especially using Meta’s Roll to Roll replication printer, which will also be described.


CTO , META® Materials
Director of Metamaterials Research and Innovation , META®
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 10:55 AM


Why are investors talking about the Metaverse and how does that inform where they are funding? This panel will feature the top investors in AR, VR, AI ,and the Metaverse who have backed the first VR Unicorn RecRooman, the most successful VR game Beat Saber and had acquisitions to Faceook, Apple, Google and more. We will look at what parts are available today and what is missing and needs to be created to enable this future vision and see where the next cycle of funding is going. A must for startups looking for funding.


General Manager , LG Uplus
Reporter , The Information
Managing Partner , WXR Fund
Partner , Lightspeed
General Partner , The Venture Reality Fund
Nov 10

10:00 AM - 08:00 PM


For the 2021 edition of the annual AWE rooom AG created a 3D virtual experience depicting the four main areas of the event: Main Stage, Tracks, Playground and Auggie Awards. At the Main Stage, live streams of the keynotes can be viewed via a large screen. The Tracks area provides visitors with links to the different presentation agendas sorted by industry field. For the Playground stage, rooom Ag implemented “silver surfer” statues for visitors to interact with. A click on the statues links to the websites of the Playground participants. A special teleport feature allows user to easily switch between the different Playgrounds. Another highlight is the Auggie Award stage. Here, attendees can view the embedded video of all finalists, take a look at the award categories, or experience a 3D model of the award via AR. A live stream of the award ceremony will be presented here as well.

In addition, rooom added various information points for the audience to explore. A centrally placed virtual globe gives visitors information about all regional AWE NITES around the world. Annotations link to the respective event. Highlighted sponsor points for bronze, silver, gold, and titanium sponsors collect all information and links about the sponsoring organizations.

The virtual AWE venue grants easy access to all core areas right in the browser. Visitors can navigate the show floor via live avatars.

Nov 10

10:30 AM - 10:55 AM


Black Movement Library (BML): BML is a library for activists, performers & artists to create diverse XR projects, a space to research how and why we move, and an archive of Black existence. BML seeks to grow community through the use of performances, xr experiences, workshops, conversations and tool making.


New Media Artist , Black Movement Project
Nov 10

10:30 AM - 10:55 AM


Through countless partnerships, ZEPETO is home to virtual versions of celebrities like Selena Gomez, BLACKPINK, Twice, and more. From avatar-driven official music videos to virtual merchandise and virtual meet and greets, real world celebrities are embracing ZEPETO as they double down on metaverse strategies. However, there is a rapidly growing community of influencers in ZEPETO who are avatar natives. From a virtual fashion designer who makes six-figure incomes by selling clothes on ZEPETO to virtual influencers who land deals with MCNs that picked up their ZEPETO activities, there is a large - almost 1 million - community of creators on ZEPETO who are using ZEPETO exclusively or near-exclusively for their online output.


Chief Strategy Officer , Naver Z
Nov 10

10:30 AM - 10:55 AM


Automation is not the future, human augmentation is...

A simple strategist’s guide to successfully augmenting human capabilities to drive scalable value

•There can be no success without a vision.
•Evolution vs revolution.
•Rethinking how we work.
•Culture eats strategy for breakfast and technology for lunch.
•Continuous Innovation, the new continuous improvement?
•When you have the ideas but the plants have the money.
•Millennials, meet the Gen Z workforce.
•Upskilling for factory of the future
•Standards are meant to be modernized.
•Success is not final, failure is not fatal (Winston Churchill).


Director Smart Factory , Kohler


No matter the industry, the impacts of downtime add up quickly. Renault Trucks, a top manufacturer of light and heavy goods vehicles and transport solutions, deployed its “Optiview” service, to help counteract this. The service combines Librestream’s #1-rated augmented reality (AR) and remote collaboration solution, and RealWear’s HMT-1 headsets to enable hands-free remote support service for their dealerships.
Join Librestream and RealWear to learn about Renault Trucks’ path to digital transformation, implementation, results, challenges, and lessons learned. You’ll walk away with actionable insight into how you can achieve the benefits offered by hands-free, AR-powered remote collaboration solutions.


Chief Strategy Officer , RealWear
VP of NA Sales , Librestream


AR and VR is one of the most exiting new technologies that will have a big impact on business and enterprise over time. Although some see these technologies having slow adoption in mainstream enterprise, it turns out that major segments of the enterprise, especially CRM, Field Service and Training, are seeing rapid interest and serious adoption within all types of CRM IT Programs.
Mr Goldenberg, a noted expert and author on CRM and Mr Bajarin, a well known technology analyst, will share how AR and VR is already being used in large enterprises around the world, and share some of the most successful enterprise based CRM implementations that utilize AR and VR to add greater value to their customers.


President , Creative Strategies
President , ISM Inc.
Nov 10

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM


Increase your concentration and self esteem with a guided virtual reality mediation in AltSpace! Enjoy a relaxing meditation and build self confidence. We will begin by centering and balancing and work through positive self guided Imagery and end with returning to center.


Founder , Wind's Song Meditation & Spiritual Development
Nov 10

10:30 AM - 11:25 AM


Delivering content into ubiquitous consumer Augmented Reality headsets will require the least friction from users as possible. WebXR will make it easy for content creators to distribute AR experiences over the web that run in browsers on 2D Desktop and Touchscreens and 3D Glasses in 6DoF. This will create a competitive disruption for proprietary solutions when experiences run natively and can be built by the 12 million JavaScript developers in the world. This session will discuss navigating this paradigm shift in distribution, content development and the use cases stereoscopy adds value to. We will cover what types of AR content are better suited for websites instead of apps, including the public AR Cloud, Education and Entertainment Experiences, Retail, and Location-Based experiences.


Co-Founder , Cause + Christi: Immersive XR Design
Sr. Dir., XR & Metaverse , Deutsche Telekom AG
Creator , The Polys - WebXR Awards
Co-Founder & COO , MetaVRse
Nov 10

10:50 AM - 11:15 AM


Marvel Studios looks to the future with a first-of-its-kind Augmented Reality (AR) story experience, for the release of "Eternals." Marvel Studios’ Eternals: AR Story Experience lets fans step into the film to discover the backstory, interact with Super Heroes, and bring the story right in their space. The latest technologies were used to deliver state-of-the-art storytelling — from volumetric capture to Apple's ARKit to brand new processes of displaying cinema-quality VFX on mobile devices.

Learn what it took to build this immersive iOS-exclusive mobile app from the ground up. Hear from the project leads, including: Dave Bushore (VP, Franchise Creative & Marketing for Marvel Studios), Mark Mine (Director, Technology Innovation for Disney Studios Content), and Daniel Baker (Senior Producer & Manager, Technology Innovation for Disney Studios Content).

To check out the experience, download it now in the App Store. And see the all new movie — now playing in theaters.


Senior Producer & Manager, Technology Innovation , Disney Studios Content
Director, Technology Innovation Group , Disney Studios Content
Nov 10

11:00 AM - 11:25 AM


The Metaverse is largely bullshit, as defined. Proponents claim our real lives (IRL) will be inundated with digital worlds, virtual stuff everywhere we look. AR and VR certainly share many technologies and source data. One might expect the experiences to be the same. This talk will explain why the Metaverse hipsters are wrong, revealing a brighter recipe for our future.


Founder, President , XR Guild