AWE USA 2024

IKEA's Journey Through 3D Visualization and Spatial Computing

Jun 18

02:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Main Stage


This 30-minute presentation takes you on an enlightening journey through IKEA's innovative transformative use of 3D visualization and spatial computing, starting with IKEA's early adoption of AR and 3D modeling technologies. The talk highlights the challenges and vision that propelled their digital evolution. It underscores how these technologies have offered immersive and interactive experiences with products in a virtual environment. Delving into the technical aspects, it reveals the intricate processes behind creating IKEA's highly detailed 3D product models. The session concludes with a forward-looking perspective from IKEA's spatial computing team, exploring future possibilities and ongoing innovations in this field. This presentation not only showcases IKEA's current achievements in tech-driven retail but also offers a glimpse into the exciting, tech-forward future the company envisions, and the joint work with standards to reach it.

Session Speakers