AWE USA 2024

From Scratch to Scale: Building Walmart's 3D Creative Practice

Jun 20

02:10 PM - 02:55 PM
Promenade Room 104B


“Entrepreneurship is just an exercise in not hyperventilating,” says Cynthia Maller. Join her as she takes us inside a transformative journey, charting Walmart's ascent from having virtually no customer-facing 3D capabilities to scaling the operation to serve the largest retailer in the world. She offers a unique window into the challenges faced, the strategies employed, and the innovation that has set a new standard in retail visualization. Immerse yourself in this captivating narrative of the nexus of technology and creativity, and the value of persistence, bravery, and vision in achieving big dreams.

In this presentation, you'll explore:

  • The Genesis: Starting from scratch—how Walmart recognized the potential of 3D technology to transform retail and the initial steps taken to pioneer this new capability.
  • Challenges Overcome: Navigating the hurdles of technology adoption in a massive retail environment and the solutions that turned barriers into opportunities.
  • Strategic Innovations: Specific strategies and technologies employed to develop and enhance Walmart’s 3D capabilities, setting a new industry standard.
  • Impact and Outcomes: The tangible benefits that Walmart's 3D innovations have brought to customers and the company, including enhanced customer experiences and increased sales.
  • Lessons in Leadership: Insights into leading a tech revolution within a corporate giant—what it takes to drive change and inspire a team towards a common vision.
  • Future Visions: A look ahead at the future of retail technology and how Walmart plans to continue its leadership in innovation.

Session Speakers