AWE USA 2024

PANEL: Best Practices and What’s Next with Another Axiom, the Creators of Gorilla Tag

Jun 18

04:00 PM - 04:55 PM
Room 101B
Gaming, Entertainment & Media


Learn about best practices and the philosophy behind the team at Another Axiom, creators of Gorilla Tag, the smash-hit VR game with millions of daily active users, millions in revenue, and the first app to top 100K user reviews on the Meta Quest store earlier this year.

While most people are focused on when VR hardware will reach its mass adoption inflection point, the team at Another Axiom went out on a limb and focused on how software can crystallize Virtual Reality's potential. Their big bet in this direction has made Another Axiom one of the most successful VR game studios. 

From concept to execution, learn about the challenges that shaped Gorilla Tag into the beloved VR phenomenon it is today, the breakthroughs shaping Another Axiom’s phenomenal growth, and how the team thinks about the future of VR. Whether you're a Monke, an aspiring developer, or simply curious about the future of VR, this is a session you won't want to miss. Join us for an inspiring conversation with the talented leaders at Another Axiom.

Session Speakers